The fight against terrorism, conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Libya, as well as Iraq’s reconstruction were amongst the topics Saudi Arabia Minister of Foreign Affairs and MEPs discussed on Thursday.
As a direct follow up of their visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the State
Eine amtierende Ministerpräsidentin, die sich als Generalsekretärin in den Dienst der CDU stellen will? Niedersachsens Ex-Ministerpräsident David McAllister zollt im NWZ-Interview seiner Parteikollegin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Respekt.
von Tobias Schmidt, Büro Berlin
Frage: Herr McAllister, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer soll neue CDU-Generalsekretärin werden. Ein Signal des Aufbruchs ist das nicht,
19. Februar 2018
Aktuell, Aktuell - CDU
Targeting the financing of terrorism
Wednesday, 9.00-9.30
Rapporteur Javier Nart (ALDE, ES)
Foreign Affairs MEPs will vote on their recommendations how to cut the sources of income for Jihadists. Setting up a European counter-terrorism financial intelligence platform within EUROPOL to speed up the information exchange, stepping up
The EP’s delegation headed by AFET chair David McAllister held an unprecedented visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the State of Kuwait and the Islamic Republic of Iran on 11-15 February.
During the visit, Members discussed the socio-economic situation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Korean Peninsula has been a major focal point of global attention over the past months. Last September, North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test, seemingly the most powerful nuclear bomb to date. The North Korean regime claims that this test demonstrated the success of
KUWAIT, Feb 12 (KUNA) -- Enhancing the joint action was the focus on a meeting held between National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim, and Chairman of European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee David McAllister and his accompanying delegation.
The meeting touched upon several topics of common concern, as