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Highlights of AFET, DROI and SEDE meetings next week

Committee on Foreign Affairs Monday, 11 July 18:45 - 19:45 in room: Altiero Spinelli 5G-3 Debate ·  Exchange of views with Miguel Ángel MORATINOS, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Wednesday, 13 July 09:00 - 18:30 in room: Jòzsef Antall 4Q2 Debates ·  Annual implementing report on the EU association

Pressestatement zum Rücktritt von Boris Johnson

Zur jüngsten Regierungskrise in London erklärt David McAllister (CDU), Co-Vorsitzender der Kontaktgruppe des Europaparlaments zum Vereinigten Königreich und Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses: „Der Rücktritt von Boris Johnson hat sich in den letzten Tagen abgezeichnet. Zu viele Skandale und zu wenig Rückhalt in der eigenen Fraktion haben

Plenarbeitrag zu den Beziehungen zwischen dem Vereinigtem Königreich und der Europäischen Union sowie zur Situation in Nordirland

https://youtu.be/ZXxPH8SWROs The “Northern Ireland Protocol Bill” tabled by the United Kingdom’s government is a regrettable unilateral move. As it disapplies core elements of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland, it creates more difficulties in Northern Ireland and undermines mutual trust. The Protocol is the one and only

EU-India trade talks: base them on values, says Parliament

Restarting trade and investment talks between EU and India are welcome but EU norms need to be protected in the final deal, says the Parliament. The resolution, adopted on Tuesday by 482 votes, with 107 votes against and 40 abstentions, sets out what the Parliament expects