We need a common European response to migration, not battles among Member States. As events in the past weeks have shown once again, the current system is not working.
We urgently need a European migration policy that is fair with those in need of protection, firm
EPP Foreign Affairs Ministers, co-chaired by Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defence, Simon COVENEY TD and EPP Vice President and Chairman of the EP AFET Committee, David McALLISTER MEP met this morning to prepare and discuss the FAC agenda.
The Russian aggression against
Republikaner schneiden schlechter ab als erwartet / Schlechte Aussichten für Donald Trump / Europa muss zusammenhalten
Zu den Kongresswahlen in den USA und den bisher bekannten Ergebnissen erklärt David McAllister (CDU), Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses:
„Die Nacht verlief für die Republikaner nicht wie erwartet. Es gibt keine
On Tuesday, the committees on Foreign Affairs and International Trade will hold a hearing on foreign policy and trade aspects of the EU’s strategic autonomy.
The EU’s strategic autonomy refers to the European Union’s capability to act independently from other countries in important areas such as security and
Monday, 7 November
15:00 - 16:30 in room: Jòzsef Antall 2Q2
· Exchange of views with the with the European External Action Service and the European Commission on the reconstruction of Ukraine
· Recommendation to the Council taking stock of the functioning of the EEAS and for a