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Presseinformation: Die Zukunft des Schengen Raums sichern

Die Europäische Kommission will den Schengen-Raum stärken und damit Lehren aus der COVID-19 Pandemie ziehen. Am Mittwoch legte sie eine Strategie und einen Gesetzesvorschlag vor, um die Funktionsweise des weltweit größten grenzfreien Raums effektiver zu überwachen und auf künftige Herausforderungen besser vorbereitet zu sein. Der Europaabgeordnete

EU obezbedila 14 milijardi evra za Zapadni Balkan i Tursku

Evropski parlament i Savet Evropske unije postigli su dogovor o novom finansijskom paketu pomoći za Zapadni Balkan i Tursku u vrednosti 14,2 milijarde evra. Dogovoreni Instrument za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA 3) važiće u sedmogodišnjem periodu od 2021. do 2027. godine saopšteno je iz Brisela. IPA 3

Political deal reached on seven-year funding for accession countries

On Wednesday, Parliament and Council negotiators reached an agreement on the instrument governing the 2021-2027 funding for countries on the path to EU membership. The co-legislators have agreed on the priorities, objectives and the governance of the modernised Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) financing. It

MEPs call for deeper EU-NATO cooperation

A reinvigorated strategic EU-NATO partnership is essential to address the security challenges facing Europe and its neighbourhood, say MEPs in a report adopted on Thursday. Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs have concluded in a new report on EU-NATO cooperation that the transatlantic community can successfully manage its