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Meine Debattenbeiträge und Videos

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A delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee travelled to Ethiopia and Sudan just two weeks ago. We were able to observe first-hand that insecurity in the Horn of Africa is a serious threat to the prospects of the whole of Africa, as well as to...

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Aktuell, EN, Videos

The massive protests that erupted following the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody have spread to over 171 cities in all 31 provinces of Iran. The people are protesting against a deeply corrupt and violent regime • that systematically oppresses women • and responds...

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Aktuell, EN, Videos


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Aktuell, Videos

Press Point with MEP David McAllister — Salome Zourabichvili (@Zourabichvili_S) July 20, 2022

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Aktuell, Videos

The “Northern Ireland Protocol Bill” tabled by the United Kingdom’s government is a regrettable unilateral move. As it disapplies core elements of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland, it creates more difficulties in Northern Ireland and undermines mutual trust. The Protocol is the one...

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Aktuell, Videos

The world is going through a period of geopolitical redefinition. The issues raised by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine go far beyond the tragic situation we are currently witnessing. Europe as a whole is challenged! For a very long time, our Parliament has been...

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Aktuell, EN, Videos

The Indo-Pacific region has become one of the centres of geopolitical gravity and a rallying point for many global players. Its growing economic, demographic and political weight makes it an increasingly important region in shaping the international order. Therefore, the European Union must increase its...

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Aktuell, EN, Videos

EPP Vice-President, MEP and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs committee in the European Parliament, David McAllister, is the seventh guest of our new podcast series that focuses on the members of our Presidency. He will be the last guest of the series before the EPP...

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Aktuell, Videos

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Aktuell, Videos

David McAllister im Gespräch mit Ines Arland zum sechsten Sanktionspaket der EU im Zusammenhang mit dem Ukraine-Krieg.

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This war has changed everything. And it is important that we in Europe do more for our own security and defence.

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Plenarbeitrag vom 9. März 2022: Aussprache mit der estnischen Ministerpräsidentin Kaja Kallas – Die Rolle der EU in einer im Wandel begriffenen Welt und die Sicherheitslage Europas nach Russlands Aggression gegen die Ukraine und der damit verbundenen Invasion.

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Aktuell, EN, Videos

It is not only a Russian invasion of Ukraine, it’s an attack on democracy, it’s an attack on our liberty, it’s an attack on our security, it’s an attack on the way we want to live together in Europe. – David McAllister. In this episode...

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Aktuell, EN, Videos

Recent international developments and challenges, such as the Russian military threat against Ukraine, the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan or the geopolitical consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have once again reminded us that the European security environment is today more volatile and more complex than ever...

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Aktuell, Videos

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Aktuell - Europa, Videos

Es ist eine wichtige Woche für die internationale Politik. Gestern haben Vertreter der USA und Russlands im Rahmen des strategischen Sicherheitsdialogs in Genf verhandelt. Am Mittwoch trifft sich der Russland-Nato-Rat. Einen Tag später finden Gespräche bei der OSZE in Wien statt. Am Donnerstag reise ich...

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Aktuell - Europa, Videos


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Aktuell - Europa, EN, Videos

The elections on 7 November in Nicaragua violated all international democratic standards for credible, inclusive, fair and transparent elections. They were a sad climax of Nicaragua’s continuous authoritarian development as they complete the conversion of this country into an autocratic regime. As European Parliament, we...

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Aktuell - Europa, Videos

Die Europäische Union sieht sich mit einer Vielzahl von komplexen außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Die Instabilitäten in unserer unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft – Stichwort Belarus oder die Ukraine -, die Entwicklungen in Afghanistan oder neuartige Bedrohungen durch Cyberattacken – um nur drei von vielen Beispielen zu...

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