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On Afghanistan

The situation in Afghanistan is a wakeup call for the EU to reassess the international approach to nation-building abroad and strategically reshape an integrated approach of its external policies. It is also a wakeup call to increase its share of responsibility in global security and

Der russische Angriff auf die Ukraine markiert eine neue Ära für Europa

In einer Debatte über den russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine haben die Abgeordneten ihre Unterstützung des Landes und die Bemühungen um eine Annäherung der Ukraine an die EU bekräftigt. Am Dienstag erörterte das Europäische Parlament auf einer außerordentlichen Plenarsitzung in Brüssel den Einmarsch Russlands in die

The Russian attack on Ukraine marks a new era for Europe, MEPs say

Debating Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, MEPs expressed unwavering support for Ukraine and for efforts to bring the country closer to the European community. On Tuesday, the European Parliament held an extraordinary plenary session in Brussels to assess Russia’s military assault on Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Highlights of AFET meeting next week

Monday, 13.45 – 18.45, room: Paul-Henri Spaak 3C50 and remote participation Report on the 2021 Commission Report on Albania (2021/2244(INI)) – consideration of draft report – rapporteur: Isabel Santos (S&D) Report on the 2021 Commission Report on North Macedonia (2021/2248(INI)) – consideration of draft report – rapporteur:

MEPs to debate Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with Josep Borrell

On Thursday at 18.30 CET, MEPs will debate Russia’s military assault on Ukraine with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell and Ukrainian parliamentarians. The debate is organised by the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee and Security and Defence Subcommittee and will take place online. In addition to Mr Borrell, Members