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The future of transatlantic relations

A stronger EU-US partnership and committed engagement in international institutions will take precedence at Thursday’s hearing in the Foreign Affairs Committee. With representatives from the US State Department, the Munich Security Conference, the German Marshal Fund and the European External Action Service, MEPs will examine the state of transatlantic

Western Balkans: 25 years after the Dayton Accords

On the 25th anniversary of the peace accords, parliamentarians from across Europe deliberate the future of the Western Balkans. Together with members of EU national parliaments and EU aspirant countries, MEPs will consider the implications of the Dayton peace accord, that a quarter of a century

Sakharov Prize 2020: interviews with the laureates

The award ceremony for this year’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, conferred upon the Belarusian democratic opposition, will be held on 16 December. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday 16 December, at noon. Journalists can express their interest in conducting an online interview with representatives of the

MEPs to take stock of the political and human rights situation in Belarus

The tense political and human rights situation in Belarus will be discussed by Members on the Foreign Affairs Committee and Subcommittee on Human Rights on Tuesday and Wednesday. Members on the Subcommittee on Human Rights and invited experts will debate the international efforts to investigate human rights abuses

ZDF Interview: McAllister zu Brexit-Gesprächen „Ich bleibe vorsichtig optimistisch“

Anne Gellinek, Korrespondentin im ZDF-Studio Brüssel Das ganze Interview finden Sie hier: Brexit-Gespräch: McAllister bleibt "vorsichtig optimistisch" - ZDFheute Am 1. Januar scheidet Großbritannien aus dem europäischen Binnenmarkt aus. In den Brexit-Gesprächen "zählt jetzt jeder Tag", sagt der EU-Abgeordnete David McAllister. Mit dem großen Streitthema Fischerei haben Großbritannien