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Eastern Mediterranean tensions: debate with Greek and Turkish ministers

Foreign Affairs MEPs will discuss the tensions between Greece and Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea with the Greek European Affairs Minister and the Turkish Foreign Minister, on Thursday. For the past weeks, tensions are mounting over Turkey’s increased and disputed gas exploration activities in the Eastern

Statement David McAllister MdEP neue Brexit-Verhandlungsrunde

Zum morgigen Beginn der 8. Brexit-Verhandlungsrunde erklärt der Vorsitzende der UK Coordination Group, David McAllister (CDU): „Leider sind wir weiterhin noch weit von einer Vereinbarung über unsere künftigen Beziehungen entfernt. Die Europäische Union ist in den letzten Wochen auf die Positionen von Premierminister Johnson eingegangen, um

17th Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP/CSDP) – Statement by the CO-Chairs

4 September 2020via video conference Statement by the Co-Chairs Preliminary remarksThe 17th Inter-parliamentary Conference (IPC) for the CFSP/CSDP was held in the context of the parliamentary dimension of the German Council presidency on 4 September 2020. Due to the extraordinary circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,

MEPs to discuss the political crisis and popular uprising in Belarus

MEPs in the Subcommittee on Human Rights will debate the human rights situation in Belarus following the disputed presidential elections of 9 August and subsequent demonstrations, on Monday. Belarus has been in the midst of a political crisis following accusations of vote rigging in the presidential