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Korean Peninsula: MEPs deeply worried over latest developments

The Chair of the EP delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula, Lukas Mandl, and the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, David McAllister, stated on Wednesday: “We are gravely concerned by the recent explosion of the inter-Korean liaison office in Kaesong by the Democratic People’s

For a responsible Recovery Plan for Europe!

I stand behind the principle on which the European Recovery Instrument/Next Generation EU is built. Also, I support the Commission’s proposals in full recognition of the responsibility we all have and with the aim to find as quickly as possible a comprehensive solution for the

Deutschlandfunk-Interview- McAllister: „Das Angebot der EU ist für Großbritannien hochattraktiv“

David McAllister im Gespräch mit Jürgen Zurheide Das ganze Interview zum nachhören finden Sie hier: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/brexit-verhandlungen-das-angebot-der-eu-ist-fuer.694.de.html?dram:article_id=478571 Die EU wolle ein Partnerschaftsabkommen mit Großbritannien, sagte der CDU-Europapolitiker David McAllister im Dlf. Ein solches Angebot habe man einem Drittstaat noch nie gemacht. Jetzt müsse die britische Führung entscheiden, welchen

EU-UK talks: MEPs united behind EU stance, rejecting UK cherry-picking

MEPs firmly behind EU negotiator Michel BarnierThe UK’s cherry-picking approach is a no-go for the EUAgreement on level playing field and fisheries required to obtain European Parliament’s consent Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee MEPs reiterate their overwhelming support for the EU position in the talks between