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MEPs urge Albanian government to fulfill EU conditions

https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/2020/06/24/meps-urge-albanian-government-to-fulfill-eu-conditions/ TIRANA – Members of the European Parliament urged the Albanian government to fulfill the 15 EU conditions until the first Intergovernmental Conference, in order to commence negotiations, Tirana Times reports. During the PE Foreign Affairs Committee’s Monday plenary session, several MEPs convened to discuss the current situation in

MEPs praise the Eastern Partnership as a success story

Statement by MEPs David McAllister and Andrius Kubilius following the Eastern Partnership leaders' video conference held on 18 June 2020: „We very much welcome yesterday’s video conference that President Ursula von der Leyen and President Charles Michel had with the leaders of the Eastern Partnership countries

On the future of the Eastern Partnership

The European Union maintains a strong commitment toward the Eastern Partnership; this is even more true for the European People’s Party (EPP), which has been one of the major actors vis-à-vis the Eastern Partnership since its launch. During the past decade, together with our partners, we

Verhandlungen mit London: Europäisches Parlament entschlossen auf EU-Linie

Parlamentsmitglieder stellen sich eindeutig hinter EU-Verhandlungsführer BarnierRosinenpickerei der Briten für EU nicht akzeptabelWettbewerbs- und Fischereiabkommen Voraussetzung für Zustimmung des Parlaments Das Parlament beklagt, dass die Positionen der EU und des Vereinigten Königreichs bei den Verhandlungen über die künftigen Beziehungen weit auseinanderliegen und die Zeit davonläuft. In einer