4. Februar 2021
Aktuell, EN
The Foreign Affairs and International Trade committees will be assessing the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement today and on Friday.
Today, the two lead committees, responsible for recommending consent (or not) to the European Parliament on the new EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement, will assess each
3. Februar 2021
Aktuell, SP
Declaración de los eurodiputados David McAllister y Tomas Tobé, co-presidentes del grupo del PE de apoyo a la democracia y coordinación electoral, sobre las elecciones generales en Ecuador.
«El Parlamento Europeo no observará las elecciones generales en Ecuador. Por tanto, no emitirá comentarios sobre el proceso
3. Februar 2021
Aktuell, EN
The Foreign Affairs and International Trade committees will be assessing the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on Thursday.
The two lead committees, responsible for recommending consent (or not) to the European Parliament on the new EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement, will assess each sector of the
3. Februar 2021
Aktuell, EN
The European Parliament is ready to continue the facilitation of the Inter-Party Dialogue with the National Assembly of Serbia, says David McAllister
The Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister (EPP, DE) called on the authorities, decision makers and political actors in Serbia to use the Inter-Party
3. Februar 2021
Die Europäische Kommission hat heute (3. Februar) einen Plan zur Krebsbekämpfung vorgestellt. Um die Ausbreitung von Krebserkrankungen einzudämmen und allen EU-Bürgern wirksame Vorsorge- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten gegen die Krankheit zugänglich zu machen, sind gemeinsame Maßnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten geplant. Der Forschung und der Prävention kommen dabei zentrale
2. Februar 2021
Mekalister: EP spreman za drugu fazu međustranačkog dijaloga u Srbiji (n1info.com)
Autor: Nikola Radišić 02. feb. 2021 12:54
"Evropski parlament je spreman da počne drugu fazu međupartijskog dijaloga sa Narodnom skupštinom Srbije koji smo započeli u oktobru 2019. godine", izjavio je David Mekalister, predsedavajući Odborom za spoljne