Libya has never called for building walls"
The EU should take the lead
Foreign Affairs committee report to come
The situation of migrants in Libya and the country’s future prospects in the current regional context were debated by Foreign Affairs MEPs and
Prospects for Libya in the current regional context
Monday, 15.00-16.30
MEPs on the Foreign Affairs committee will hold a hearing on the "Prospects for Libya in the current regional context". It will assess the current political and security situation in Libya, stabilisation efforts as well as EU role, ahead of the
30. November 2017
Aktuell, Aktuell - Europa
Need to de-escalate the conflict and start new peace talks
MEPs call again for an EU arms embargo against Saudi Arabia
Demand for immediate and full humanitarian aid access
Alarmed by the threat of the world’s largest famine, MEPs call for a political solution to
30. November 2017
Aktuell, Aktuell - Europa
EU funding for the military under exceptional circumstances
Support to build hospitals, but not to buy weapons
MEPs agree to allocate 100 million euros to support civilian tasks performed by the military in third countries by beefing up the EU fund for stability and peace.
Brüssel/Kreis Cuxhaven. EU-Chefunterhändler Michel Barnier hat zugesichert, die Fischwirtschaft bei den Brexit-Verhandlungen besonders zu berücksichtigen. Der Abgeordnete David McAllister (CDU) hatte ihm letzten Oktober im Europäischen Parlament in Straßburg die Resolution des Rates der Stadt Cuxhaven und des Kreistages Cuxhaven zur Fischereipolitik im Zuge der
27. November 2017
Aktuell, Aktuell - Europa
Le Conseil européen pourrait annoncer en décembre que les progrès sur le Brexit ne sont pas suffisants, avertit l’eurodéputé allemand David McAllister, qui préside la commission affaires étrangères du Parlement européen.
Après six cycles de négociations, aurons-nous suffisamment avancé en décembre pour passer au second stade