SFR-Tagesgespräch – David McAllister: Die EU und der Brexit
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Support for EU defence integration In favour of EU defence budget and free movement of member states’ troops Need to speed up Council decision-making on common foreign and security policy The EU’s foreign and defence policy should proceed with closer EU defence ties and a
Representatives of the democratic opposition of Venezuela have today received Parliament´s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought during a ceremony in Strasbourg. "The Prize is for all Venezuelans in the world,” said Parliament President Antonio Tajani while awarding the prize. The President noted that the human
US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital sparked different reactions from MEPs on Tuesday evening. “Exploding the Middle East peace process status quo”, “going against international law”, “spreading hatred and fear” or “the diplomatic equivalent to nuclear bomb” were a few of
Friesoythe - Hoher politischer Besuch in Friesoythe. Der frühere niedersächsische Ministerpräsident und jetzige CDU-Europaabgeordnete David McAllister war einer Einladung des CDU-Ortsverbandes Friesoythe gefolgt. Er traf mit Bürgern im Burghotel zusammen. Bevor es thematisch auf die europäische Bühne ging, sprach sich der EU-Abgeordnete bei der