Aktuell – Europa
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MEPs slam Nicaraguan elections, calling them a farce

Leading MEPs condemn Sunday’s sham elections in Nicaragua and stress that Parliament can neither acknowledge the result nor recognise the authorities that emerge from this rigged vote. Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister (EPP, Germany) and Chair of the Delegation for relations with the countries

Nicaragua: eurodiputados califican las elecciones de farsa

Las elecciones de ayer en Nicaragua fueron fraudulentas y el PE no puede reconocer ni el resultado ni las autoridades surgidas de una votación amañada. El presidente de la comisión de Asuntos Exteriores, David McAllister (PPE, Alemania) y la presidenta de la delegación para las Relaciones con los

Highlights of AFET meeting – Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Vote Challenges and prospects for multilateral Weapons of Mass Destruction arms control and disarmament regimes (2020/2001(INI)). Rapporteur: Sven MIKSER (S&D, ET) - Adoption of amendments Debates Exchange of views on the situation in Sudan with the European External Action Service (11.00 – 12.00) Jointly with the Committee on Budgetary

EU-Taiwan-Beziehungen: Abgeordnete drängen auf stärkere Partnerschaft

Die Abgeordneten würdigen Taiwan als wichtigen Partner und demokratischen Verbündeten der EU im indo-pazifischen Raum, der zur Aufrechterhaltung einer auf Regeln basierenden Ordnung inmitten einer sich verschärfenden Rivalität zwischen den wichtigsten geopolitischen Akteuren in der Region beiträgt. In dem von den Abgeordneten angenommenen Text wird die

On the European Border and Coast Guard (Frontex)

The European border and coast guard (Frontex) has a crucial role to protect our external borders. The EPP Group wants to grant the 2019 discharge to the European Border and Coast Guard because Parliament's investigation found no proof of the agency's involvement in any violation of

The outcome of the Western Balkans summit

The European perspective of our partners in the Western Balkans is in our mutual interest and remains our shared strategic choice. With the visit of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen last month and the EU-Western Balkans Summit two weeks ago in Brdo, the European Union