21. November 2017
Aktuell, Aktuell - Europa
Reinforce the EU - Hong Kong relations
Respect for “One China, two systems” principles
Press freedom challenges
The EU should be an advocate of Hong Kong’s autonomy and promote “one country, two systems” principle, said committee MEPs on Tuesday.
The recommendations on Hong Kong, drafted by
18. November 2017
Aktuell, Aktuell - Europa
Der frühere Ministerpräsident Niedersachsens hält einen Vortrag über die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Europäischen Union. Er plädiert für eine stärkere Zusammenarbeit der Nationen.
Osterholz-Scharmbeck. „Woran merken Sie, dass Sie über eine Binnengrenze der EU gefahren sind“, fragte David McAllister die Zuhörer während seines Europa-Vortrags im Loccumer
15. November 2017
Aktuell, Aktuell - Europa
Eastern partners who made substantial progress on EU-related reform could be allowed to join the customs or energy union
EP calls for establishing a trust fund for Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova
Keep pressure on Russia to resolve conflicts in the EU eastern neighbourhood
The November
15. November 2017
Aktuell, Aktuell - Europa
"The summit in Brussels should be forward-looking, injecting new dynamism providing a clear political vision for the future of our Eastern Partnership. Differentiation is key. As our resources are limited, the principle of ‘more for more and less for less’ should be implemented. We should
14. November 2017
Aktuell, Aktuell - Europa
A conference on a new EU-Africa partnership will take place in the European Parliament on 22 November from 14.00 to 20.00 CET, ahead of the next EU-African Union summit.
African political leaders, African Union representatives and UN officials will discuss with Parliament’s President Antonio Tajani,
EU funding for the military under exceptional circumstances
Support to build hospitals, but not buy weapons or train soldiers
EU fund for stability and peace, covering projects in 70 countries, will be beefed up by 100 million euros to support the military’s civilian tasks in