MEPs slam Nicaraguan elections, calling them a farce
Leading MEPs condemn Sunday’s sham elections in Nicaragua and stress that Parliament can neither acknowledge the result nor recognise the authorities that emerge from this rigged vote.
Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister (EPP, Germany) and Chair of the Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America, Tilly Metz (The Greens/EFA, Luxembourg), stated:
‘The sham elections held by the Ortega regime on Sunday, 7 November 2021 in Nicaragua are a farce; they are the sad climax of the country’s continuous slide into an authoritarian abyss. It is tragic to see that a man who once fought a cruel tyranny in his country is now repeating history by establishing the same type of dictatorship himself.
The European Parliament can neither acknowledge the result nor recognise the institutional authorities that emerge from this rigged vote. These elections were not fair, transparent or free, and make a mockery of international democratic standards.
This flawed electoral process was carried out under a de facto state of siege, in which opposition forces could not freely express themselves and were banned from organising and mobilising an election campaign. In addition, their leaders and candidates have been deprived of their liberty.
We demand that citizens’ rights and the rule of law be restored, as stated in the resolutions and declarations of Parliament and the Council.
We call upon the Nicaraguan Government to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners, opponents and presidential pre-candidates, and to allow the safe and guaranteed return of all exiled persons.
In addition, the Nicaraguan National Assembly must abrogate all repressive laws such as the unconstitutional ‘Law for the Regulation of Foreign Agents’. The paramilitary bodies that harass the people of Nicaragua daily have to be disbanded.
Furthermore, the criminalisation and judicial persecution of human rights defenders, civil society, independent media and journalists by the Nicaraguan authorities are unacceptable and must stop.
This election did not contribute to achieving a peaceful and democratic solution to the political crisis in Nicaragua. We call for an election to be held in accordance with international parameters: one that complies with the Inter-American Democratic Charter and allows international organisations specialised in human rights to be present.’