24. Januar 2020
Aktuell, EN
Plenary session and committee meetings, Brussels
Brexit. Parliament is scheduled to hold its final vote in plenary on the Withdrawal Agreement on Wednesday at 18:00. To enter into force, any withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK needs to be approved by MEPs by a
23. Januar 2020
Aktuell, EN
The Constitutional Affairs Committee agreed on Thursday to recommend that the EP plenary should approve the UK withdrawal terms.
After parliamentary ratification in the UK was concluded earlier today, with Royal Assent granted for the European Union (Withdrawal
22. Januar 2020
Aktuell, EN
AFET and SEDE MEPs discussed with NATO Chief ways to address the EU’s security and geostrategic challenges on Tuesday.
NATO will bring together the EU and the US to address three issues of concern: terrorism, relations with Russia, and new and emerging challenges such as
20. Januar 2020
Aktuell, EN
MEPs will discuss how to address the security and geostrategic challenges that the EU is facing today with the NATO chief on Tuesday afternoon.
MEPs in the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) and Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary
20. Januar 2020
Aktuell, EN
Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for Foreign Relations Adel Al Jubeir will address MEPs in the Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday evening at 17.45
His intervention will be followed by an exchange of views with Members of the Committee. The discussions are expected to focus on
17. Januar 2020
Aktuell, EN
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Tuesday 21 January in Brussels, József Antall, 2Q2
The Eastern Partnership - vision of development after 202009:15-11:15 The objective of the hearing is to discuss the achievements and shortcomings of the EU’s Eastern Partnership both at the regional and multilateral level. MEPs