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Sakharov Prize 2021: Parliament to announce candidates

MEPs will be presented with the nominees for this year’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in a joint committee meeting on Monday afternoon. MEPs from the Foreign Affairs Committee, Development Committee and Subcommittee on Human Rights will meet to assess the nominees put forward for this year’s Sakharov Prize. Nominations

Parliament sets out its vision for a new EU strategy on China

Address human rights violations in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Hong KongMore resources needed to monitor and tackle Chinese disinformationChina should allow independent investigation into origins and spread of COVID-195G and 6G networks: exclude companies that do not fulfil security standards The EU should continue talking

David McAllister MEP: On the Dictatorship in Belarus

15 September 2021 I strongly condemn the human rights violations and brutality of Alexander Lukashenko’s regime. I express my condolences to all those who have lost family members or friends due to the repressions. Lukashenko and his henchmen must be brought to international justice. I demand

David McAllister: On the current situation in Afghanistan

7 September 2021David McAllister MEP, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the European Parliament I. Following the 9/11 attacks in New York, US troops and their NATO allies ousted the Taliban from power in November 2001. The Taliban group had been harbouring Osama Bin Laden