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Foreign and security policy: MEPs call for unity and strategic autonomy

EU must champion rules-based international orderCall to abolish unanimity in some foreign affairs areasEU must intensify its efforts to become more strategically independentMEPs strongly condemn the mob assault on US Congress incited by Donald Trump The COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call for Europe, which needs

David McAllister: Plenary speech on the Inauguration of the new US President

David McAllister: Plenary speech on the Inauguration of the new US President20 January 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dYp47C8wX4 President, Dear colleagues! Exactly two weeks ago, the unbelievable pictures of violent rioters attacking the Capitol building in Washington, DC shocked all of us. We strongly condemn the violence and deeply regret

David McAllister: Plenary speech on the presentation of the programme of activities of the Portuguese Presidency

David McAllister: Plenary Speach on the presentation of the programme of activities of the Portuguese Presidency20 January 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REew2SACulQ&feature=youtu.be President, Dear colleagues, Dear Minister! Portugal’s Presidency of the Council has begun during an unprecedented time. A lot of priorities are on the agenda, such as tackling the COVID-19 pandemic

David McAllister: Plenary speech on the arrest Alexei Navalny

19 January 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcKL7Xm2ayU&feature=youtu.be Mr President, Dear colleagues! I am very concerned and strongly condemn the arrest of Mr Alexei Navalny, upon his return to Russia just as I am very concerned by the detention of several dozens of his supporters and journalists across the country and also

David McAllister: Plenary speech on the CFSP report

19 January 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9p9_3GpW9A&feature=youtu.be President, Dear colleagues! The year 2020 was in many ways unprecedented for all of us.  The Covid-19 pandemic has had and continues to have severe economic, social, political and - also - geopolitical consequences. They will inevitably affect key aspects of the EU’s Common Foreign