David McAllister – Plenary Speech on the EU’s strategic partnership with the Horn of Africa
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David McAllister – Plenary Speech on the EU’s strategic partnership with the Horn of Africa

A delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee travelled to Ethiopia and Sudan just two weeks ago. We were able to observe first-hand that insecurity in the Horn of Africa is a serious threat to the prospects of the whole of Africa, as well as to our security in the European Union.

For these reasons, six actions are key.

  1. We need to tackle the root causes of conflicts, extremism and radicalisation such as terrorism, extreme poverty, the consequences of climate change and long-standing border disputes.
  2. We need to strengthen the EU’s CSDP missions and operations as well as to support peace processes under African ownership.
  3. We need to support all diplomatic efforts towards ending the ongoing conflict within Ethiopia.
  4. We need to counter Russian influence, such as the paramilitary Wagner group in Sudan, as it has the potential to further destabilise the region.
  5. We need to address the dependency of African states on Chinese investments.
  6. We need to monitor closely the alignment of Eritrea with the Russian propaganda.

The Horn of Africa is strategically important and thus, the European Union needs to strengthen its role in the region. Together with international and regional partners, let us integrate the trade, development, humanitarian, and conflict prevention approaches to tackle the challenges in the region.