Plenary speech on Nicaragua, 14 December
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Plenary speech on Nicaragua, 14 December

The elections on 7 November in Nicaragua violated all international democratic standards for credible, inclusive, fair and transparent elections. They were a sad climax of Nicaragua’s continuous authoritarian development as they complete the conversion of this country into an autocratic regime.

As European Parliament, we reject the legitimacy of the results of these fake elections and therefore we reject the democratic legitimacy of any institutional authorities emerged from this rigged vote.

The systematic crackdown of opposition leaders, journalists and civil society actors, as well as the psychological and physical abuse of the Nicaraguan people are appalling and represent a clear breach of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

We need to consider all instruments at our disposal to take additional measures!

I call on the Nicaraguan authorities to end repression, to uphold and respect human rights and to allow the Nicaraguan people to exercise their civil and political rights.

I call on the Nicaraguan authorities to hold elections in accordance with international parameters, which comply with international standards and the Inter-American Democratic Charter to realize the democratic aspirations of the people of Nicaragua.

And I call on the Nicaraguan authorities to allow international as well as civil society organisations to access the country without restrictions.

The European Union has constantly demand

  • free, fair and transparent elections,
  • the respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law,
  • and the immediate and unconditional release of arbitrarily detained political prisoners.

Mr Ortega, return the sovereignty of Nicaragua to the Nicaraguan People, who are its rightful owners!