Step up efforts to prevent and prosecute war crimes, urge MEPs
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Step up efforts to prevent and prosecute war crimes, urge MEPs

  • EU should increase focus on preventing war crimes and genocide
  • Accession to the International Criminal Court (ICC) should be universal
  • Fight against impunity of non-state actors such as Boko Haram and ‘ISIS/Daesh’ should be stepped up

The EU should do more to prevent war crimes, help prosecute perpetrators including non-state actors, and protect victims.

In a resolution adopted on Tuesday, the Foreign Affairs Committee calls on the EU to step up efforts to prevent war crimes and crimes against humanity, including genocide, at an early stage. To this aim, they want the EU to better monitor the situation on the ground, coordinate preventive actions as well as create peaceful and democratic conditions, thus addressing the root causes of conflicts.

MEPs further insist on the need to ensure prosecution of atrocity crimes, particularly with regard to non-state actors such as Boko Haram in Nigeria and ‘ISIS/Daesh’ in Syria and Iraq. They call for sufficient financial support for and universal accession to the International Criminal Tribunal Court (ICC). An International Criminal Tribunal for Iraq and Syria should be set up to prosecute war crimes “committed by all sides”, urge MEPs.

Victims’ rights should be kept “at the heart of all actions” and their access to remedies and reparations should be ensured, they add.


Next steps 

The report by Cristian Dan Preda (EPP, RO) was approved in the Committee by 50 votes to 2, with 6 abstentions. It will be put to a vote by Parliament as a whole at the July plenary session in Strasbourg.

