EVP-Fraktion Newsletter vom 3. März 2015
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EVP-Fraktion Newsletter vom 3. März 2015


Neueste Nachrichten:                                                                                                   Alle ansehen

02.03.2015 – 20:45
EPP Group Vice-Chair Sandra Kalniete denied access to Russia
Sandra Kalniete, Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament responsible for Eastern Neighbourhood and Enlargement was denied access to Russia today. Kalniete was travelling to Moscow in order to participate in the funeral of Boris…

02.03.2015 – 16:30
United against terrorism
The European Union has been under the spotlight of jihadist terrorism for some time. Madrid and London were targets a few years ago with terrorist attacks killing hundreds and wounding thousands. More recently, the Paris and Copenhagen attacks,…

Veranstaltungen:                                                                                                             Alle ansehen

EPP Group Hearing on Asylum: reinforcing a holistic approach
