MEPs: Trump Presidency calls for EU unity
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MEPs: Trump Presidency calls for EU unity

David McAllister MEP

David McAllister MEP

After a long, polarising and negative campaign, the American people have chosen Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States of America. MEPs David McAllister (EPP), Jeppe Kofod (S&D) and Marietje Schaake (ALDE), the bureau of the EP’s US delegation respond:

David McAllister:  „The outcome was not what we expected but it is a democratic decision and will be respected. Now we have to wait and see key appointments and, even more importantly, actions and policies that may diverge from electoral words and speeches. Good transatlantic relations are crucial for us and for the world, therefore it is good, that the Transatlantic Legislators‘ Dialogue (TLD) will be the first European delegation travelling to Washington at the end of November in the new political climate. We have an important role to deliver a joint message of stability and unity. The EU believes in a strong transatlantic relationship. I hope the future US President does too.“

Jeppe Kofod: „President-elect Trump has expressed very divergent views from the official EU position on a range of important subjects such as international trade, fighting climate change and EU-US security policy. None the less, EU-US cooperation will and must continue to develop. Our Transatlantic friendship will remain strong despite differences of opinion and we will strive to reach compromises with the incoming Trump administration and members of Congress from both parties. True friends speak candidly to each other, and we will do just that, when we travel to Washington later this month.“

Marietje Schaake: „Apart from the question of which changes a Trump Presidency will bring, EU leaders need to make European security a priority. They need to bridge their divisions to make sure the EU can play a role on the world stage. Dependency on the US under Trump is irresponsible, especially if there are questions about the application of NATO article 5. The economic consequences of protectionism would only be felt in the long term, but would in any case have a negative impact on important trading partners like the European Union.“