Will Britain stay in the EU?
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Will Britain stay in the EU?

Union_Jack_and_the_european_flagGuest comment on Carnegie Europe

Peace, freedom, and prosperity: these are the goals that have brought Europeans together. Europeans are working as partners for stability. A united Europe emerged from the chaos and fractures of the Second World War. A united Europe grew after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The UK fought for the freedom of Europe. Europe as we know it today would not exist without Britain. It would be a great loss for other Europeans not to have their British partners among them to push for democracy, bring stability to Europe’s neighborhood, and increase prosperity for European citizens through economic openness.

Europe is stronger together than apart. By being united, Europe can better protect its common values and create more opportunities for Europeans. The EU’s 28 member states jointly form the world’s largest economy, biggest single market, and most prosperous continent. This was made possible by Europeans working hand in hand as partners who share the same values of democracy, the rule of law, private property, entrepreneurship, and universal human rights.

I firmly believe the UK is stronger as a member of the world’s biggest economy and single market. Europe is stronger with Britain, and Britain is stronger in Europe. When casting their ballots, the citizens of the UK will determine the future of their membership in the EU. I am optimistic that they see the benefits of EU membership and the positive results of the reforms Prime Minister David Cameron is negotiating.