Migration crisis and EU-UK negotiations top the EPP Political Assembly’s agenda
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Migration crisis and EU-UK negotiations top the EPP Political Assembly’s agenda

europafahneThe Political Assembly of the European People’s Party (EPP) discussed migration and Brexit on 28 and 29 January in Brussels. The EPP delegates also adopted its working groups which develop the common positions and strategies of the party.

“The European Union has put forward courageous measures to tackle the migration crisis. It is now up to the Member States to implement without delay the existing legislation and these agreed proposals. We are ready to provide help to the countries which cannot ensure the protection of the EU external borders and these countries are expected to accept this support.” the EPP President Joseph Daul declared.

“It is our duty to help the persons fleeing conflict zones but it is also our responsibility to ensure the security of the European citizens. The EPP also advocates for a complete reform of the European Asylum system in which asylum requests would be processed at the EU’s external borders or preferably outside the EU. It entails a contingency plan for refugees arriving to the EU according to the Geneva Convention,” the EPP President added.

Concerning the EU-UK negotiations, the EPP Vice-President and MEP David McAllister stressed:

“A fair deal should be sought, a deal which is fair for the UK and for the EU as whole. Britain is stronger in Europe and Europe is stronger with Britain.”

The EPP in all the European institutions is working tirelessly to provide solutions to the migration crisis and to achieve a fair deal with the United Kingdom at the European Council on 18 and 19 February.

As the backbone of the party political work, the EPP designated the co-chairs of its renewed working groups which develop the common positions and strategies of the party:

  • Working Group on European Policy co-chaired by EPP President Joseph Daul and EPP Vice-President and MEP David McAllister
  • Working Group on Economic and Social Policy co-chaired by Irish Minister for European Affairs and Data Protection and EPP Vice-President Dara Murphy and EPP Vice-President Corien Wortmann-Kool
  • Working Group on EPP Membership chaired by EPP Vice-President and MEP Paulo Rangel

Ad Hoc Group on Agriculture co-chaired by German Minister of Food and Agriculture and EPP treasurer Christian Schmidt and MEP Michel Dantin