EPP Congress in Madrid: Highlights of the Final Day
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EPP Congress in Madrid: Highlights of the Final Day

EVP-KongressThe European People’s Party has concluded the second and final day of the XXIII EPP Congress in Madrid.
Today’s plenary session featured the addresses of the EPP’s EU heads of state and government, leaders in the EU institutions – European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and EPP Group Chairman Manfred Weber – as well as party leaders.Following the re-election yesterday of Joseph Daul as EPP President, the Congress delegates today re-elected Secretary General Antonio López-Istúriz.

„I am proud to be here in Madrid with the entire family of the European People’s Party and I thank them for their trust and confidence. It is an honour to serve another term and I pledge to continue the important work of our party. The challenges confronting us are immense, but I know the EPP will continue to lead the way in overcoming them. We will bring Europe forward,“ stated Secretary General López-Istúriz upon his re-election.
The delegates also elected the ten EPP Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer. The new, complete EPP Presidency will therefore be comprised of:President:

Joseph DAUL, Les Républicains, France

Secretary General:

Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ, Partido Popular, Spain
Vice-Presidents: (in order of the number votes received)
David McALLISTER, CDU, Germany
Johannes HAHN, ÖVP, Austria
Jyrki KATAINEN, Kokoomus, Finland (YEPP)
Antonio TAJANI, Forza Italia, Italy
Marianne THYSSEN, CD&V, Belgium
Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI, Civic Platform, Poland
Kinga GÁL, FIDESZ, Hungary
Dara MURPHY, Fine Gael, Ireland
Paulo RANGEL, PSD, Portugal
Corien WORTMANN-KOOL, CDA, NetherlandsTreasurer:

Christian SCHMIDT, CSU, Germany

Immediately prior to the plenary session, an enlarged Summit was held with the EPP heads of state and government, including from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries, leaders in the EU institutions and opposition leaders. The participants discussed cooperation with the Balkans and the countries of the EU neighbourhood. The Summit also focused on the migration crisis and the leader’s meeting called by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker this Sunday.

Following the Congress, President Daul stated:

„In the last two days, we have seen the tremendous capacity of our political family. We will offer reforms in order to address the challenges we face, the leadership and determination to confront threats, and the optimism to strive for a better future for our people and our continent. Above all, we will continue to rely on our solid convictions, which keep us together in these challenging times. This is what unites us and it is what we are: a union of values.“
Today’s plenary session also featured the launch of the new common logo of the EPP and the EPP Group in the European Parliament, reflecting the ever-closer cooperation within our political family. In addition, the EPP party launched a new website with a fresh look and feel:http://www.epp.eu/

Coverage of the Congress will soon be available on the EPP’s YouTube channel. Twitter coverage and photos of the entire two-day Congress can be seen at:

Twitter: http://twitter.epp.eu
Flickr: http://flickr.epp.eu

The website of the Congress can be found at: http://madrid2015.epp.eu/