Ukrainian Minister of Defence to brief MEPs on the impact of the war
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Ukrainian Minister of Defence to brief MEPs on the impact of the war

MEPs from the Foreign Affairs Committee and Security and Defence Subcommittee will meet Ukraine’s Minister of Defence Oleksii Reznikov on Thursday.

Minister Oleksii Reznikov, who will participate remotely, will brief MEPs on the latest developments and the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Members of the European Parliament’s EU-Ukraine delegation will also join the meeting.

When: Thursday, 17 March, from 9.00 to 10.30.

Where: European Parliament in Brussels, SPINELLI 3 E 2, and remotely.

You can follow the discussion live.

Check the full meeting agenda.

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In a resolution adopted on 1 March, Parliament condemned in the strongest possible terms Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and demanded the Kremlin end all military activities in the country and unconditionally withdraw all forces in respect of Ukraine’s internationally recognised borders. MEPs called for broader restrictive measures aimed at strategically weakening Russia’s economy and industrial base. The resolution also strongly supports the historic decision to allocate significant additional funding to provide Ukraine with defensive weapons through the European Peace Facility and the provision of military equipment by Member States.
