President-elect Maia Sandu: a new hope for the people of Moldova
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President-elect Maia Sandu: a new hope for the people of Moldova

Statement on the outcome of the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova.

Following the victory of Maia Sandu in the second round of the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova, the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, David McAllister (EPP, DE), and the Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee, Siegfried Mureșan (EPP, DE), said:

“We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Maia Sandu, the President-elect of the Republic of Moldova, with a resounding victory in the presidential elections this past Sunday. It is a victory for the Moldovan democracy. This a new beginning for EU-Moldova relations.

Maia Sandu was the only presidential candidate who made this electoral campaign about the people of Moldova. She put the interests and the needs of every Moldovan citizen at the heart of her campaign. Her undeniable commitment to the rule of law and fighting corruption gave people hope for a better future and the electoral result was clear.

We would also like to congratulate all the Moldovans who came out to vote, especially the diaspora. It was impressive to see that no long queues, long travelling hours or weather conditions dissuaded the diaspora to choose their new president. This is a great example of responsibility and civic duty.

While the victory of Maia Sandu brings a fresh breath to the country’s democratic path, a lot remains to be done. The European Union is much better off with a pro-European President in its immediate Eastern neighbourhood. This victory is very important for the European Union as a whole. We stand ready to support Moldova and its citizens. We look forward to a fruitful cooperation and to welcoming President Sandu in the European Parliament.”