Peru: lead MEPs call for dialogue and demand elections take place as planned
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Peru: lead MEPs call for dialogue and demand elections take place as planned

Statement by the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, David McAllister (EPP, DE), and the Chair of the Delegation for relations with the Andean Community, Pilar del Castillo (EPP, ES).

Following the latest political developments in Peru, David McAllister and Pilar Del Castillo said:

“In the context of the current crisis, we express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the two Peruvian citizens that died during the demonstrations in Lima. The right to demonstrate peacefully and freely is a democratic right that needs to be preserved at all times and guaranteed by law.

The resignation of the President of Congress Manuel Merino was the consequence of demonstrations in several cities in Peru in the last days. In the light of these events, linked to the impeachment procedure that led to the removal of the President of the Republic of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, we call for moderation, prudence and dialogue in the certitude that the Peruvian institutions will find a constitutional, democratic and peaceful political solution based on the rule of law, that respects the will of the Peruvian citizens and will bring stability and calm to the country. We reiterate that Peru is a prominent partner and ally of the European Union.

The presidential and legislative elections should take place according to the agreed calendar on 11 April 2021.”