Inter-Parliamentary Conference in Zagreb: Call for proactive EU foreign policy
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Inter-Parliamentary Conference in Zagreb: Call for proactive EU foreign policy

Members of the European Parliament and of the EU national parliaments discussed the global challenges of the EU and European defence cooperation.

Members of national parliaments and the European Parliament called on the European Union to take on a global leadership role and actively defend and promote its values and interests worldwide. At the Inter-Parliamentary Conference that took place on 2-4 March in Zagreb, they also stressed the urgent need for strong political and strategic coordination and a more united and proactive external action for Europe. In particular, they emphasised that the EU needs to play a stronger role in promoting a political solution to the conflicts in Syria and Libya.

The Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP/CSDP) focused among other topics on the EU’s global challenges, the European perspective for the Western Balkans and strengthening the European defence cooperation.

Among the keynote speakers were the Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Gordan Grlić Radman as well as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Damir Krstičević. The EP delegation was led by the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister (EPP, DE). The outcomes of the high-level debates during the Conference are reflected in the Conference Conclusions.


The Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the CFSP/CSDP was established in 2012 and it provides a framework for debate, exchange of information and best practices between members of national parliaments and the European Parliament on matters related to the European Union’s foreign, security and defence policy. The Conference convenes once every six months in the country holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Composition of Delegation

David McALLISTER, Chair AFET (EPP, Germany), Nathalie LOISEAU, Chair SEDE (RE, France), Michael GAHLER (EPP, Germany), Željana ZOVKO (EPP, Croatia), Juozas OLEKAS (S&D, Lithuania), Tonino PICULA (S&D, Croatia), Elena YONCHEVA (S&D, Bulgaria), Klemen GROŠELJ (RE, Slovenia), Hannah NEUMANN (Greens/EFA, Germany) and Mazaly AGUILAR (ECR, Spain).