Highlights of AFET and DROI meetings next week
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Highlights of AFET and DROI meetings next week

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Monday, 27 November 15:00 – 18:30

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, room 3C050

Hearing (16.00 – 17.00)

·  EU sanctions regime – implementation, expansion, efficiency and deterring impact including the presentation of a study on the ‚Implementation and monitoring of EU sanctions regimes‘. Draft programme


·  Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the situation in Syria (2023/2052(INI)) – rapporteur: Nathalie LOISEAU (Renew, FR) – consideration of draft report (17.00 – 17.30)

·  In association with the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT): Exchange of views with Álvaro Leyva Durán, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia (17.30 – 18.30)

Tuesday, 28 November 09:00 – 17:15

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, room 3C050

Votes (10.15 – 11.15)

·  Implementation of the common foreign and security policy – annual report 2023 (2023/2117(INI)) – rapporteur: David McALLISTER (EPP, DE) – adoption of draft report

·  Implementation of the common security and defence policy – annual report 2023 (2023/2119(INI)) – rapporteur: Sven MIKSER (S&D, EE) – adoption of draft report

·  Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter – annual report 2023 (2023/2118(INI)) – rapporteur: Nacho SÁNCHEZ AMOR (S&D, ES) – adoption

·  Role of the European Parliament and its parliamentary diplomacy in the EU’s foreign and security policy (2023/2105(INI)) – rapporteur: Jordi SOLÉ (Greens/EFA, ES) – adoption of draft report

·  Role of preventive diplomacy in tackling frozen conflicts around the world – missed opportunity or change for the future? (2023/2050(INI)) – rapporteur: Željana ZOVKO (EPP, HR) – adoption of draft report

·  EU strategy on Central Asia (2023/2106(INI)) – rapporteur: Karsten LUCKE (S&D, DE) – adoption of draft report

·  Shaping the EU’s position on the UN binding instrument on business and human rights, in particular on access to remedy and the protection of victims (2023/2108(INI)) – rapporteur: Heidi HAUTALA (Greens/EFA, FI) – adoption of draft report

·  Security and defence implications of China’s influence on critical infrastructure in the European Union (2023/2072(INI)) – rapporteur: Klemen GROŠELJ (Renew, SL) – adoption of draft report


·  Presentation of a study: Antarctica: What role for the European Union? (11.15 – 12.00)

·  Jointly with the Committee on Constitutional Affairs: Deepening EU integration in view of future enlargement (2023/2114(INI)) – rapporteurs: Petras Auštrevičius (Renew), Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D) – consideration of draft report and amendments (12.00 – 12.30)

Subcommittee on Human Rights

Thursday, 30 November 09:00 – 12:30

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, room 4Q2


·  Exchange of views on the human rights situation in Israel and Palestine, in the presence of:
– Elie Barnavi, Israeli historian and former diplomat
– Sari Nusseibeh, philosophy professor emeritus, Al Quds University
– Magen Inon, educator and solidarity advocate
– (tbc) Rula Daood, co-Director of Standing Together

·  In the framework of the European Parliament’s first Disability Rights Week (11.30 – 12.30)Exchange of views on the rights of persons with disabilities in conflict and post-conflict situation, in the presence of:
– Luis Gallegos, former Minister of Foreign Relations of Ecuador and President of the Committee that drafted the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
– Ulrike Last, Policy and Development Lead Specialist, Handicap international