For a comprehensive agreement with the UK
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For a comprehensive agreement with the UK

  • Major differences became evident after first round of talks 
  • EP fully committed to reaching a broad agreement covering a wide range of sectors 
  • The UK must fulfil all of its commitments stemming from the Withdrawal Agreement, including the Irish Protocol

Following a remote meeting on Friday with members of the Commission’s UK Task Force Team, the head of the EP UK Coordination Group David McAllister made the following statement.

“Last week, the European Union and the UK government exchanged draft legal texts covering their respective visions of our future relationship. The EU’s text is fully based on the Political Declaration, while that of the UK seems to cover only some elements.

The EU is still convinced that a comprehensive agreement covering all areas of the Political Declaration is better suited to the kind of ambitious partnership that would be in the interests of both the EU and the UK. The European Parliament remains fully committed to reaching a broad agreement with our British partners that encompasses not only trade, but a wide range of sectors. The UK’s commitments and obligations must be consistent and commensurate with the level of cooperation they are seeking to strike with us.

From the first round of talks, major differences became evident on fisheries, on level playing field issues, on police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters and on the overall governance of the future relations. We need to work relentlessly to find solutions to these disagreements. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the European Parliament remains committed to fulfil its role. It will continue to scrutinise the negotiations and hold regular exchanges of views with the EU chief negotiator.

For now, we are still waiting to see guarantees that the UK will fulfil all of its commitments stemming from the Withdrawal Agreement, including the Irish Protocol. This is key for us in the European Parliament. The British side must live up to its commitments.

With the end of the transition period, regardless of the deal struck, any changes will be important for the citizens and businesses in the UK and, to a certain extent, in the EU. Both sides therefore need to ensure the best possible outcome in the negotiations, to the benefit of both parties.”