David McAllister MEP: The European response to growing migration
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David McAllister MEP: The European response to growing migration

We need a common European response to migration, not battles among Member States. As events in the past weeks have shown once again, the current system is not working.

We urgently need a European migration policy that is fair with those in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and harsh with the cynical human traffickers putting vulnerable people’s lives at risk. Therefore, the EPP Group calls for a strict and effective control of the EU’s external borders, with the help of the EU border agency Frontex.

We must provide swift and fair procedures to distinguish between refugees and economic migrants, increase cooperation with third countries and ensure the efficient return of those not granted stay in the EU. Our resources must be directed towards those who are in need of protection.

We have to stop the attempts of certain countries using migrants for political purposes. Instrumentalising migrants is unacceptable and saving lives should remain our top priority.

Law, not ad-hoc solutions, will guarantee sustainable and reliable asylum and migration policies that balance European solidarity and the fair sharing of responsibility. Arrival countries like Italy and Greece mustn’t be left alone. It is high time for EU Member States and Parliament to come up with a joint European response and for the Pact on Asylum and Migration to be finalised during this legislative term.

Europe has a responsibility to help those eligible for protection. But, an influx of irregular economic migrants risks diverting resources needed by genuine asylum seekers. That is why we need swift and fair procedures to distinguish between refugees and economic migrants. The decision on who comes to Europe cannot be left to smugglers putting vulnerable people’s lives at risk.