David McAllister MEP: Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs conclude visit to Washington D.C. and Wisconsin
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David McAllister MEP: Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs conclude visit to Washington D.C. and Wisconsin

Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs have visited Washington D.C. and Wisconsin to forge deeper transatlantic dialogue on foreign policy.

A delegation of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee visited Washington D.C. and Wisconsin from 15 to 18 May 2023 to discuss foreign policy cooperation and global security challenges.

During the visit to the U.S. capital, AFET Members held productive discussions with counterparts in the US Congress, the State Department and the Department of Defence on cooperation on Ukraine, China, energy security and information manipulation. Meetings with leading think-tanks provided further food for thought on how to deepen the transatlantic cooperation on foreign policy.

In Wisconsin, the delegation met with the Lieutenant Governor, members of the State Legislature, the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce, Trade Unions and the management and students of the Jean Monnet Programme on European and Global studies at the University of Madison. The visit of Wisconsin allowed Members to see US politics from a different perspective and showed that dialogue on state level is equally important in building strong and resilient transatlantic ties.

David McAllister, AFET-Chair said: “In the face of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, a fragile post-pandemic economic recovery, soaring energy bills and inflation, and attempts by authoritarian regimes to reshape the rules-based international order, we need a transatlantic partnership that is truly strategic and fit to jointly address the current geopolitical challenges. I am pleased to see that there is strong transatlantic convergence on many foreign policy issues of common interest.”

The AFET delegation was composed of seven Members: David McAllister (EPP, DE), Michael Gahler (EPP, DE), Tonino Picula (S&D, HR), Reinhard Bütikofer (Greens/ ALE, DE), Anna Fotyga (ECR, PL), Sven Mikser (S&D, ET), Dragos Tudorache (Renew Europe, RO).