Common Security and Defence Policy: Disinformation targeting EU missions and operations
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Common Security and Defence Policy: Disinformation targeting EU missions and operations

Members of the Security and Defence Subcommittee will discuss the impact of disinformation campaigns against the EU military and civilian missions and operations.

With more and more disinformation campaigns targeting the EU and its institutions in recent years, Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations have also been subject to such attacks.

MEPs will analyse the vulnerabilities of the CSDP missions and operations as well as ways to improve the response to disinformation campaigns, both on policy and operational levels.


As part of its push for global prestige, Russia has been very active in disinformation campaigns, primarily in the EU Eastern Partnershipcountries, Africa and the Western Balkans. The EU monitoring mission EUMM Georgia has become the target of a sustained and organised campaign of disinformation and discrediting. Similar operations have been conducted in the Central African Republic, Libya or Somalia by private organisations operating in part at the behest of state actors

The European Union has been actively tackling disinformation since 2015, when the East StratCom Task Force was set up in the European External Action Service (EEAS) in an effort to effectively communicate the EU´s policies to its eastern neighbourhood.

When: Monday, 16 November, from 14.45 to 15.45

Where: European Parliament in Brussels, SPINELLI 3E2, remote meeting

You can follow the discussion live.

Check the full agenda, speakers list and background material.

Following President Sassoli’s decision to hold the plenary online, the Chairs of the (sub)Committees (AFET, SEDE, DROI, DEVE and INTA) have agreed to limit the physical presence of EP staff in meetings and have decided that staff and speakers from other institutions will take part in the meetings online only. As a matter of prudence and in line with this message from the President of the European Parliament, MEPs are also asked to consider participating remotely.