Agenda: The week ahead 27 January – 02 February 2020
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Agenda: The week ahead 27 January – 02 February 2020

Plenary session and committee meetings, Brussels

Brexit. Parliament is scheduled to hold its final vote in plenary on the Withdrawal Agreement on Wednesday at 18:00. To enter into force, any withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK needs to be approved by MEPs by a simple majority of votes cast.

2020 Commission Work Programme. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, in the presence of the college of Commissioners, will present the Commission’s work programme for this year and then debate it with MEPs (Thursday).

International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Parliament will hold a ceremonyto commemorate the liberation of the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp 75 years ago. Liliana Segre, Italian senator for life and Auschwitz survivor, will address MEPs during the ceremony (Wednesday).

Common chargers. MEPs will vote on a resolution calling for measures to make common chargers a reality for consumers and reduce e-waste. According to estimates, old chargers generate more than 51 000 tonnes of electronic waste per year (Thursday).

Migration. The urgent humanitarian situation on Greek islands, especially that of children, will be debated with the Commission and the Council. MEPs may ask for urgent measures to ensure those affected are protected, relocated and offered family reunification (Wednesday).

Gender pay gap. In response to the Commission’s announced proposals to close the gender pay, including legally binding pay transparency measures, MEPs will vote on their input on the matter. The resolution also winds up a debate held during January’s plenary session (Thursday).

Western Balkans. Speakers of the parliaments of Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia as well as the president of Croatia’s Parliament will gather to discuss the Western Balkans’ European perspectives. The summit is organised under the patronage of President Sassoli, in cooperation with the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the Western Balkans (Tuesday).

Redistribution of EP seats. As of 1 February, the number and distribution of seats in the Parliament changes following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. Of the UK’s 73 seats, 27 will be redistributed to other countries, while the remaining 46 will be kept in reserve for potential future enlargements.

Conference of Presidents. EP President David Sassoli will chair an extraordinary Conference of Presidents on Tuesday at 10.00, where Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will present the Commission’s work programme to heads of political groups.

President’s diary. EP President David Sassoli will meet UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Ford and UNHCR High Commissioner Filippo Grandi, on Monday. On Tuesday, Mr Sassoli will meet incoming Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela and Federalimentare President, Ivano Vacondio, as well as open the Parliamentary Summit on the Western Balkans and host a New Year’s reception. On Wednesday, he will meet the President of the Anna Lindh Foundation, Elisabeth Guigou, participate in the reception to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day as well as a ceremony for UK MEPs. Finally, on Thursday, President Sassoli will meet European Council President Charles Michel and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Bazoches to discuss the preparation for the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe.