Parliament delegation to observe the Lebanese general election
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Parliament delegation to observe the Lebanese general election

A delegation of seven MEPs will join the EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) to Lebanon, with the country going to the polls to elect its new parliament on 15 May.

The European Parliament delegation will visit Lebanon from Friday 13 May to Tuesday 17 May. It will assess whether the parliamentary elections, scheduled for 15 May, take place in accordance with the country’s international commitments and national laws.

On 17 May at 10.00 CEST (11.00 local time), delegation members will also participate in a press conference for the EU Election Observation Mission, which will present the preliminary conclusions of the mission.

The press conference will be live streamed here.

Composition of Parliament’s delegation

The European Parliament delegation, comprising seven MEPs, will be integrated in the EU Election Observation Mission led by another MEP, Chief Observer György Hölvényi (EPP, Hungary).

The Members of the EP delegation are:

Brando Benifei (S&D, Italy), Head of Delegation
David McAllister (EPP, Germany)
Isabel Santos (S&D, Portugal)
Christophe Grudler (Renew Europe, France)
Hélène Laporte (ID, France)
Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR, Poland)
László Trócsányi (NI, Hungary)

The European Parliament has observed all parliamentary elections in Lebanon since 2005.
