EU-US relations: Members deplore the recent violence on Capitol Hill
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EU-US relations: Members deplore the recent violence on Capitol Hill

Statement by leading MEPs on the latest political developments in the United States.

„We welcome the decision taken by the US Congress to formally certify President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory and look forward to an orderly transition on 20 January.

We have followed the deplorable events on Capitol Hill with great concern and regret the loss of life and the attack on one of the oldest democracies in the world. The decision taken by the people of the United States must be respected.

The European Parliament stands ready to work hand in hand with the US Congress to promote an alliance of democracies in the face of authoritarian rule. We look forward to a new chapter in EU-US relations that will give new impetus to our transatlantic agenda on issues as crucial as climate change, multilateralism, security and trade.“

The statement is co-signed by:

Mr David McAllister (EPP, Germany), Chair of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee;

Mr Radosław Sikorski (EPP, Poland), Chair of Parliament’s Delegation for relations with the United States;

Mr Tonino Picula (S&D, Croatia), Standing Rapporteur for the United States in the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.