Asylum and Migration: EPP Group Position Paper on asylum and migration
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Asylum and Migration: EPP Group Position Paper on asylum and migration

Mass migration is a global phenomenon. People move between and within continents driven by wars and conflict, fear, climate change, hunger and the hope of finding a better place to live.

Migration has been and will continue to be one of the defining, intergenerational challenges and opportunities for Europe. Underlying trends in economic development, demographic changes, globalisation in transport and communications, instability in neighbouring regions, all mean that people will continue to seek to come into the EU for refuge, for a better life or to follow their close family. It is therefore imperative that the European Union is proactive in finding a common European response to this challenge that balances different forms of meaningful solidarity and responsibility. It should update its legislative framework, including through the effective reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), to meet this challenge with sustainable policies that comply with international conventions while maintaining the freedom of movement within the EU by upholding secure and effective external border controls. The Geneva Convention remains a cornerstone of refugee protection, but better compliance is essential. Furthermore, a thorough evaluation of its adequacy for the 21st century is necessary and can lead to a modernisation to ensure that it continues to offer a sustainable legal Framework.

The complete paper is available for download here: