MEPs and Federica Mogherini to assess EU external action during the past 5 years
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MEPs and Federica Mogherini to assess EU external action during the past 5 years

Foreign Affairs and Development Committee MEPs will debate past experiences and future possibilities for EU external relations, with Foreign Policy Chief Mogherini on Wednesday.

With the European elections fast approaching, Federica Mogherini is expected to give an account and assess the state of play of EU external action, including on defence matters, international agreements and external aid. Besides looking back on past achievements and challenges for this parliamentary term, the discussions will likely centre around how the EU, despite increasing political turmoil and growing instability around the world, can remain a strong and reliable actor for its global partners in the future.

In a following joint meeting together with the EP Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT), Federica Mogherini will also present the main lines of the new Joint Communication titled: “European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean – joining forces for a common future”.

WHEN: Wednesday 17 April, 14.30 – 17.00.

WHERE: European Parliament’s Winston Churchill building (200) in Strasbourg.

You can watch the meeting live here.
