Today the European Parliament adopted the resolution on the “ Georgian occupied territories ten years after the Russian invasion“.
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Today the European Parliament adopted the resolution on the “ Georgian occupied territories ten years after the Russian invasion“.

This resolution strongly condemns the Russian aggression as well as the occupation of the two Georgian territories of Abkhazia Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia. It also condemns Russia as well as several other countries like Nicaragua, Venezuela, Syria and Nauru for recognising he independence of the two territories. We underlined our support for the territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognised borders. The resolution reminds that Russia has not fully implemented the provisions of the cease-fire agreement from August 2008. It recalls that Russia as the de facto occupying power is responsible for the situation in the two occupied territories, and as such is responsible for human rights violations. The resolution supports the idea of the Georgian parliament to establish a blacklist of persons responsible for cover-ups of kidnapping, torturing and killing Georgian citizens in the two occupied territories and calls on Member States and the Council to add those people to existing EU wide sanction regimes. Our EPP Group voted in favour of the resolution.