Press release: European Parliament will not observe presidential elections in Venezuela
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Press release: European Parliament will not observe presidential elections in Venezuela

Early presidential elections will take place in Venezuela on 20 May 2018.

Given that the necessary conditions for credible, transparent and inclusive elections are not met, as stated in Article 2 of the European Parliament resolution on Venezuela of 7 February 2018, the European Parliament will not observe this electoral process.

As a matter of consequence, none of its members or bodies have been mandated to observe or comment on this electoral process on behalf of the European Parliament.

Therefore, should any Member of the European Parliament decide to observe these elections, she/he would do so on her/his own initiative and should under no circumstances through any statement or action, associate her/his participation with the European Parliament.

As a reminder, only the resolutions of the European Parliament on the situation in Venezuela represent the views of our institution on “the continued violation of the democratic order in the country”, notably as regards the call and preparation of these elections.

Further information

EP’s committee on Foreign Affairs chair David McAlister (EPP, DE)

EP’s committee on Development chair Linda McAvan (S&D, UK)

European Parliament resolution of 8 February 2018 on the situation in Venezuela