European Western Balkans: Hoxha with McAllister: Kosovo is part of the European perspective of Western Balkans
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European Western Balkans: Hoxha with McAllister: Kosovo is part of the European perspective of Western Balkans

STRASBOURG – One of the most important meetings of Minister of Integration, Dhurata Hoxha, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg was the meeting with David McAllister, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, AFET, Member of Delegation for Relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, and of Subcommittee on Security and Defence.

During this meeting, Hoxha highlighted the current developments in the country and the region as well as achievements, challenges and government priorities such as the integration process, SAA implementation, economic development and regional cooperation.

Hoxha also discussed with the MEP on the process of dialogue and normalization of relations with Serbia as part of the European integration agenda.

“Kosovo is committed to fulfilling of all the obligations deriving from the SAA, and other obligations that guarantee the acceleration of the integration process as well as the inclusion in the enlargement plans,” stated Hoxha.

McAllister emphasized that Kosovo is part of the European perspective of the Western Balkans and required from Hoxha to have Kosovo focus and work harder in meeting its obligations in two main areas, rule of law and dialogue with Serbia, and other issues required by the EU, so that Kosovo can show its commitment and seriousness to the European perspective.

On this occasion, MEP McAllister, from Group of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament, coming from Berlin, offered his support to Hoxha in Kosovo`s integration process, thus urging for more engagement by Kosovo institutions.