Press Release 25.04.2017:
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Press Release 25.04.2017:

The Chairman of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee David McAllister (EPP) and the European Parliament’s Standing Rapporteur on Albania Knut Fleckenstein (S&D) met both majority and opposition and had a good discussion. The two MEPs presented proposals for the way forward that included points on decriminalization, the fight against narcotics, technical measures for improving the conduct of elections, and the political confidence building measures.  They also proposed ideas for discussion on the date of elections and possible pre-electoral changes to government structures to build long term confidence in the system. For the majority side there was agreement on the points provided as long as vetting  would be voted in parliament.  The Democratic Party held to its position that a technical Prime Minister be appointed, and that an electronic voting system be adopted for the sake of free and fair elections.