AFET and DROI Chairs call on the Venezuelan Supreme Court to revise its most recent decision suspending the National Assembly
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AFET and DROI Chairs call on the Venezuelan Supreme Court to revise its most recent decision suspending the National Assembly

„The recent decision of the Supreme Court to curtail the competences of the National Assembly is a serious breach of the democratic principle of the separation of powers“, declared the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Subcommittee on Human rights Chairs, Mr David McAllister (EPP, DE) and Pier Antonio Panzeri (S&D, IT):

„We reiterate the provisions of the EP resolution on Venezuela, adopted on 8 June 2016, which calls on the Venezuelan Government ‘to respect the rule of law and the principle of the separation of powers, and recall that separation and non-interference between equally legitimate powers is an essential principle of democratic states guided by the rule of law“.

The two Chairs, Mr David McAllister  and Mr Pier Antonio Panzeri, speaking on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Subcommittee on Human Rights, also expressed their  concern regarding the on-going restrictions on human rights in Venezuela: „Unfortunately those bearing the brunt of this crisis are the Venezuelans, who do not have access to basic commodities and health services“