David McAllister Plenary Speech on EU-Arctic Policy, 5 October
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David McAllister Plenary Speech on EU-Arctic Policy, 5 October

Two weeks ago, a delegation of our Foreign Affairs committee visited Denmark, Greenland and Iceland to discuss international cooperation and challenges in the Arctic.  

The mission took place at a very important juncture for shaping the EU’s future policy towards the region.

Our visit showed that the unique complexity of the challenges on the ground requires more engagement and solutions based on the knowledge and will of the people living in the Arctic. Further, there is an urgent need for constructive international cooperation to counter emerging threats to the stability in the area.

For this reason, I welcome the adoption of our timely report. I do hope that the Commission and the HR/VP Borrell will soon present an ambitious new joint communication, which takes our main messages into account.

They are:

 – to respond ambitiously to climate change and safeguarding the Arctic environment,

– to promote sustainable development and

– to strengthen international cooperation in order to address geopolitical challenges in the region.

The Foreign Affairs committee will keep the Arctic high on its agenda and ensure that in the future there will be both more Arctic in the EU and more EU in the Arctic.